How to Setup Your Microgame:

Step 1: Uplad your .pms Sprite Containing your Microgame.

Step 2: Give a Name For the Microgame You Just Uploaded.

Step 3: Choose an Upload Type for The Music:

  • Newgrounds: Input a Newgrounds Track ID
  • Url Upload: Input Music URl
  • File Upload: Upload Music File

Step 4: Input the Time of the Microgame:

  • Blue Button = Normal time (8 beats)
  • Gold Button = Extended time (16 beats)

Step 5: Extra Options; Choose if Your Microgame is a Boss Microgame (More Options may Come Soon.)

And Your Done! You Now Have a Fully-Fleshed Microgame File!

 (If Your Anti-virus Detects it as a Virus, Don't Panic, its a False Positive)

Note: Contains Ads From the Community Spotlight Project: Community Spotlight (

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